Friday, April 01, 2005

This title is hillarious (laugh)

So I just figured out that I am going to be a senior here at UIC for two and a half years. Hooray for the American public education system! Hooray for floppy discs! So I'm at the Savvy Traveler yesternoon. I'm in China and there's this porcelain llama that's making the most 'tarded face I've ever seen on a porcelain llama. And every time I look up at him...he's looking directly at me. And that's the end. Nothing more happens. And by nothing, I mean we did NOT get any closer emotionally, or call each other every hour on the hour after that, or exchange our blood types through telepathy, or scream "I'm the number one stunna!!" at each other. Nothing of the sort. I have to go over here now.


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