Saturday, April 23, 2005

Just let me die Does the "..." lose its meaning when you use it for every word in the sentence? I'm Not feeling the tops right now. Not quite feeling the bottoms either. Maybe you should go change. Maybe I need some change cuz I used it all to buy pop that one time. Did you ever think of that? Beware of perverts on the subway. So who's ready for a CHALLENGE!!!! 20x6!!!! Without TV I think I'd be a mad man. So if you were ever kickin' it with Byron Allen at 3:00 in the morning, wouldn't you want to punch him right in the face? Me neither. Byron is the coolest. I can't seem to find my motivation for this scene. Wait. There it is. It was underneath my huge guns. Oh yeah! Oh it's a deep burn. It's so deep! I'm waiting for the render to be over. Just so you know. Hey Darin. I've got three quick questions. What's the best thing you've ever seen, done, eaten? I bite my toenails with anticipation for your overwhelmingly awesometastic respooonce. That's right, I spelled response wrong big deal wanna fight about it?


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