Thursday, July 03, 2008

lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats...

so thanks to glenda's blog, and rhoda's yells through the internets, i have realized i haven't posted in 10 months. reflection upon why prompted me to think of me finishing my degree in graphic design, planning for a wedding, and the fact that whenever i feel like posting...i go make a sandwich. i like to eat the sandwiches.

so as me and ro have a new apartment and will be starting a new life together, we want to start it off right with as much mass produced, inexpensive, swiss flair as we can get our hands on. we therefore took a trip to ikea. granted it was fun walking around picking up the necessary flatwear dividers, lederhosen, and the like. but the real excitement (as always) was in the bathroom.

as i went to take care of business (as we all do), i was met with a wonderful sight that brought a tear to me eye. finally, after all these years pleading to the better business bureau for an emergency button next to the toilet, they've finally stepped up to the plate.

now i have never personally had a medical emergency on the toilet, but it is my biggest fear. if i ever did have an emergency in any normal, non-swiss bathroom, there would be no button for me to push for the authorities to come break down the door and save me. thank you switzerland for bringing your neutral medical buttons of bathroom emergencies to our great land of the free. 

as we approach the fourth of july, while you remember the signing of our independence from the oppression of great britain, i also ask you all to remember the country just north of our oppressors who brought us this incredible invention of dependence on the swiss to come through if you have an the bathroom.

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Blogger Glenda said...

1. I love that you took a picture of the bathroom gadget!
2. You have a knack for finding the best bathrooms in the country. (Brought back memories of the crazy bathroom we found in Seattle)
3. "lederhosen" made me laugh out loud!!!!!
4. I'm gonna go to my own Ikea and see if I can find the same kind of emergency button. If I do I will definitely post about it!

9:31 PM  
Blogger Rhoda said...

LOL. that's all i got. it's 12 in the morning and i'm just sitting in my room, laughing out loud. now i need my inhaler. do find the craziest bathrooms!

10:22 PM  
Blogger Dana said...

Welcome back, Steve. It's good to hear your insight again. You make me a good way, of course!

8:05 AM  
Blogger The Letter J said...

welcome back. i give that post a 9/10 on the lolercopter scale. 10/10 required the use of the button. sorry.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

By the way Steve, Ikea is Swedish not Swiss. Hence the fact that they sell Swedish Meatballs.

Just FYI =)

1:39 PM  

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