Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So we had a Star Wars Easter this year at my house. Me, my bro, and my Ro did some awesometastic Star Wars eggs as if to say, "Hooray for Jesus...and Star Wars!" in that order. I did Darth Vader in all his glory, Ro did R2 in all his computerdom, and Phil did Yoda in all his...muppetness?

I actually think that Star Wars has more to do with Easter than some dumb bunny stealing and disguising baby chicken fetuses and hiding them for little children to steal and devour. If you think about it, stealing, fake plastic grass, jellybeans, and obesity do not scream Jesus' resurection to me. I'd say, the force, sacrifice, father/son drama, and robots say a lot more about what I grew up hearing the Easter story was all about.


Blogger Unknown said...

i have been waiting for this. nice!

1:25 PM  
Blogger The Letter J said...

how come i dont see any jar jar binks egg-a-likes? and if you made an egg-a-Luke, how would you show his missing hand? for hutt, i would scramble the egg, and hand make him into his form. b/c as long as he is made out of egg it still counts. you should have them all pose in front of your saber and that would be the end all be all. you know?

1:16 PM  

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