Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Feelin' Stupid? I know I am!

Can anyone tell me what is the deal with professers? What is their bag of Snaussages? I flunked my first test EVER yesterday and it wasn't from a lack of reading, studying, going to lectures, or eating 24 ding dongs in one sitting. It was from the stupid test and the stupid professor being stupid...and confusing...and a mongoose. For starters, he looks like Larry David from Curb Your Enthusiasm and co-creator of Sienfeld. That's just down right creepy to begin with. Then he has the worst questions that have nothing to do with the reading and lectures, and the ones that do are either so broad that they would cause Dick Clark to short circuit (for those of you that are slower than Carrot Top, Dick Clark is a robot) or are about the most miniscule person out of the four-thousand eight-hundred twenty-six people that he said we needed to research for the test. So since I got a 58 1/2% (I'm actually being serious for once), i need to get an average of 99% on everything else here on out to not get my first B...EVER. In happenstance, (yes it's a word) I would like an Xbox 360 for Christmas. I think you know where I'm going with this...right to my left ventricle. Fifty bucks to anyone who can give me the dictionary definition of a flecktone. Why does boo have a bad connotation, but booya have an awesome connotation? Oh well. BOOYA ANYWAY!


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