Sunday, May 13, 2007

Your mom goes to college

So its my mom's birthday. I mean mother's day. I bought her a kyak. I mean WillowTree figurine. She screamed incohearantly and threw a spoon up against the window. I mean she loved it and cried. I love my mom. I mean I really love my mom.

I really do thank God all the time for being blessed with amazing parents. I could not ever imagine having anyone better. I would probably die or just be really really crabby if they weren't in my life.

She cried when she read my awesome card too. It had a boy in a cowboy hat on it. And some words about feelings and stuff. Mom's eat that stuff up. Especially little cowboy babies.

Monday, May 07, 2007

"You Reeka!"

So tomorrow is my last day of class for this semester. I go for about ten minutes to show my teacher my projects that he's already seen about fifty times. It will cost me about $10.30 for the round trip trainfare and two dollars for parking. I'll be leaving around 10:00 so that I can get parking and get up there by lunch time and with a little leeway for any problems I might run into in my presentation and won't be getting home until almost 6:00. That's $12.30, plus gas money, and eight hours for a ten minute meeting. Seem ridonkulious? That's because it is. But I'm taking some of the guys from my small group out to par-tay after I get home. We'll probably cuddle up with some Guitar Hero and swap some manly stories and make waffels and all. It will be smashing.

Also smashing...

Here's the link to my final project in my Computer Graphics class:

Not for the weak of stomach