Sunday, February 26, 2006

ahhhhi am toypinng toofa st!

ok so i'm just gonna do a quck post because i havent posted in a long time and i dont want my last boring post to be the first impression people get of me and my stupidity. plus i have like a billion and six hours of homework and hey look a small furry animal that's doing a tiny tiny dance for me and me alone to keep me from concentrating...look at him dance. i will call him lenny. anyway, i've decided that i need to go snowboarding. i was soposed to go a few times over break but it was way too warm and not snowboardie outside. i think i'll give lenny a snack. here lenny, have a taco. so i dont know when but i'm determined to go somehow some way some day some gay. now lenny's full of taco meat. hooray! does anyone else notice that sea monkeys have babies a lot? well they do. and i dont like it. they should love jesus more. stupid sea monkeys. why cant you be more like lenny. oh. nevermind. stop doing that lenny. be more like jesus. and i'm out...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Kicks to the face might cause bleeding

Ok. So, not to offend the children (you might want to move them to another room or cover their ears as you read this to them before bed as I know you all do), but I am going to be serious. I don't get people. If you're a people, you know who I'm talkin' about. If you're not a people, you're probably a llama and should stop using the internet. But to all the people: YOU HAVE A CHOICE! You always have a choice, that's what being a people is all about. Now, in my graphic design class and my history of design class (I'm a designer!), these "people" have been telling me that since they're only students or when they enter the "big people land" they will be newbies and should always do as they're told, even if they are morally against what they're doing. Now, I'm all for being a tool sometimes if I'm not super terrific funtime excited about a project or job, I can find a way to get through it or even learn to like the subject matter, but if I'm morally AGAINST something, I ain't gonna do it no matter the consequences. Not just because I'm a Christian but I don't think I would even do it even if I didn't have an desire to please my God. Does morality not even matter anymore? This makes me mad that people would stoop to lowering their moral guard just for a job. There can be compromise. Just talk to your boss, stop being a tool and stop compromising everything that you stand for. If I was an African American I wouldn't do an ad for the KKK. It just wouldn't happen. And I believe my boss would understand why. It's not being cocky, it's not compromising the things that make me who I am. We have a choice. That's what I'm saying. Boo to all you no moral conscience tools out there. Boo I say. And give me your money. I say that to you too. Give me money. I need money.