Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Shiny Things are Distracting

So I've been praying a lot for God to relieve my workload in school since I have three classes but usually about 7-8 projects going at the same time, and due all at the same time. Yesterday, my Graphic Design teacher (who is all about the benjamins) pushed the dates back for our 3 projects and spread them out so that they aren't all due at the same time. Go Jesus, Go Jesus, GO! (Vanilla Ice style). It's the little victories that make me love him more than jello.

OK so my Intermediate Computer Graphics teacher is all German and stuff, and I so want to just go up to him after class and say, "Hey, I'm all German and stuff but without the whole being born there and stuff!" But I don't really know where the conversation would go from there. I'm picturing an awkward silence followed by him slowly backing his way out of the room, keeping his hand on his emergecy bear mace the whole time.

Can someone please tell me where the reply value is of Deal or No Deal? IT'S THE SAME SHOW EVERY TIME! Every other game show at least had things that change like questions or stuff like that. Why is it the most popular game show on TV? I'll tell you. Howie Mandell is a vampire. Think about it.

You won't think about it.

Question of the day:

Why is a penny for your thoughts, but you have to put your two cents in?
Somebody's making a penny.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Anonymity and Rat Poison

Hellorr my blogfans and everyone. So yeah I don't have a lot of time to post or read other people's blogs and such silly things.

"Then again, let us not go to Camelot. Tis a silly place."

So a couple weeks ago we had this coffee house thing at my church and I had wrote a song for it. I'm gonna post the words now so pretend you are hearing me sing them to you through the internet. Put your ear up to the speakers and you will hear the beauty of my vibrating vocal chords and guitar chords...and extension cords.

Desperate Measures

The metaphor of this melody
It burns, it burns inside of me
Like a white hot candle
Political scandal
Everybody's coming to get me, coming to get me
But I don't fear the blade
It's all a masquerade
No one's who they seem
Nothing's what it screams

I've never been through this one
But I guess there's a first time
That means there's a last time
But I still got faith inside my veins

To the faceless one's embracing ignorance
There's no honor in even a little anonymity
But I'm taking a beat down
So I'm dropping the beat now
Just for a little emphasis
To show you just how serious
A holy life can be
Without regret, without remorse
Without believing all the lies

And I've got peace like the ocean
The waves are breaking
Consuming all my emotion
The waves are crashing
And I'll always look up to the sky
And doubt will release into the night
'Cause you will always stand beside
You will always satisfy

So how did I sound? Are your ears bleeding? You shouldn't have turned your speakers up so loud. Babies are cool. They smell terrific. Kinda like turtle meat tacos on a hot Scottstober afternoon. Ok. Please stop me Randall. Thank you. Go back to the video store. You have a line.

Seacrest out.

Random family fact:
I ate rat poison as a child. Decon. Thought it was rat candy. Tasted like staples.