Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I like mashed potatos too!

In my Digital Media in Graphic Design class today, We were assigned our new project. We will be creating our own movie titles for an existing movie. The movie I was assigned: Close Encounters of the Third Kind! I would like to be the first person to say "booya" at myself for being given the gift to have to watch this movie for a class. I was a little disapointed though that I didn't get Blade Runner. And the person who did get it hates sci-fi movies. How sad is that. I wanted that movie not only because Harrison Ford is friends with wookies, but also because I haven't acually seen it before. It's one of the original sci-fi's but for some reason or another no one that I know has it and I've never seen it on TV. And with that, I leave you with this:


Sunday, October 01, 2006

We're going to get nasty letters...

An end to the silliness. That's right. I said it. I'm done making every single post into an event to exercise my random statement muscles. We're changing directions on this blog a little. And by we, I mean me and this mole I have on my left knee pit that I think might be my undeveloped twin. I call him Eddith. I assume he would be Brittish. But I digress. I came here, one because I haven't posted in like 9 months, and second to say that I'd like to have a little content and a place I can talk about my life a little instead of trying to write the most random things my mind to come up with to make only me and Darin laugh for a few seconds.

So to start things off, I'm watching the Bears right now beat the what what out of Seattle. I don't know why football is so much more popular this year than I have ever seen it. Is it because of the new popularity of fantasy football? Or maybe because the Bears are totally dominating? The answer: Canadians. It's the Canadians with their marmasets, bags of milk, and royal mounties who seem to serve no purpose. It's their fault that football is more popular. Or ficus plants. It could be because they came back.